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Go 언어

6. Ubuntu 에서 Go 언어 설치

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 3,498회 작성일 19-03-20 19:52


6. Ubuntu 에서 Go 언어 설치

Install Prerequisites

root@leelab:~# apt install wget git

Install Go using Golang installer

root@leelab:~# wget -q https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/getgo/installer_linux

Make the Golang installation executable: 

root@leelab:~# chmod +x installer_linux

Lastly, run the installer_linux executable to install Go on your Ubuntu system. The installer will download and install the latest version Go:

root@leelab:~# ./installer_linux
Welcome to the Go installer!
Downloading Go version go1.12.1 to /root/.go
This may take a bit of time...
Setting up GOPATH
GOPATH has been set up!

One more thing! Run `source /root/.bash_profile` to persist the
new environment variables to your current session, or open a
new shell prompt.

As prompted by installer, run the source command to update your current shell session variables to include the new GOPATH, or simply open a new shell session: 

root@leelab:~# source ~/.bash_profile

Check for go version: 

root@leelab:~# go version
go version go1.12.1 linux/amd64

Lastly, as a test, try to get and execute Golang's hello world example: 

root@leelab:~# go get github.com/golang/example/hello
root@leelab:~# hello
Hello, Go examples


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